Artur Kuznetcov

We defense your legal rights

We work in the majority of countries around the world

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Artur Kuznetcov

We defense your legal rights

We work in the majority of countries around the world

We achieve the result

Blog Post

The High Court of Justice in London, UK

09.11.2021 Uncategorized
The High Court of Justice in London, UK

Our experience shows that in any country in the world you can find legitimate ways to find a child. In one of the cases when we were searching for a kidnapped child, we came across the fact that the child was transported to the UK. In this country, you can get information only through the court. Our client insisted that the child is in the UK, since the second parent has a home in London.

We organized a trial and together with colleagues from London (in about a month) found out that the child was not in the UK (the child was found in another country). As part of the joint work with the International Family Group, the documents necessary for the court were prepared, namely forms C67, C1A and other appendices on more than 100 sheets.

Our team did not find the child in the UK. We received all the information for the client with minimal costs, since the whole process was launched in accordance with  Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. With the correct execution of all documents, the UK covers the costs of legal assistance. At our motion, we have closed the trial.

The photo shows me and my colleague from Moscow

The next photo shows the materials of the civil case of the High Court of Justice in London, the last decision of the Judge Cobb to close the trial.